I am going to do a couple of test posts and what better to post than some of my favorite gifts I have received from my friend Tony Ho in Hong Kong. I keep trying to find something here to send back but have not found anything as remotely interesting as what he sends me – I mean its Minnesota… What is unique about here? Wild rice? Minnetonka Mocs and Tonka toys are made in Hong Kong now I think…
Anyways here is an awesome present I received from Tony which was described as a bottle for “White powder”. He apologized that he sent it empty but he wanted to make sure I got it and didn’t get arrested for it… You can’t see it in this shot but in addition to that beautiful jade stopper is a small spoon (Made of Ivory) that is kept inside the bottle. Hand painted and expensive I don’t think its antique but I most certainly think of it as a treasure…
He wrote an awesome note that came with it which I might post later as well… BUT I have a couple more treasures to post which were sent from Hong Kong by Tony which I will post if you like this one… Let me know.